From the pages of history come 30 ‘lost’ figure dances, some of which have not been performed in over 100 years.
Now available on Amazon. |
James Mueller, ADCRG
James began Irish céilí dancing in his native Portland, Oregon, before going on to become an Irish dance champion and the first World-qualifier in Oregon.
After touring with, and choreographing for, the show Dancing on Common Ground, James earned his instructor's certification (TCRG) and adjudicator's certification (ADCRG) through An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaaelacha (CLRG) in 2003 and 2010, respectively. He now travels much of the year teaching workshops and judging feiseanna.
In addition to writing and teaching Irish dance, James is a scholar in astrobiology, biospherics and space history. He currently lives in Portland with his wife and fellow adjudicator, Lauren, and their two children.
To book a workshop or lecture, or to adjudicate your feis, please select the "Book Now" button above.
After touring with, and choreographing for, the show Dancing on Common Ground, James earned his instructor's certification (TCRG) and adjudicator's certification (ADCRG) through An Coimisiún le Rincí Gaaelacha (CLRG) in 2003 and 2010, respectively. He now travels much of the year teaching workshops and judging feiseanna.
In addition to writing and teaching Irish dance, James is a scholar in astrobiology, biospherics and space history. He currently lives in Portland with his wife and fellow adjudicator, Lauren, and their two children.
To book a workshop or lecture, or to adjudicate your feis, please select the "Book Now" button above.